Update: I saw and photographed an Albert's Red Squirrel. Not the endangered Mt. Graham Red Squirrel. Similar look, but Albert's is larger and has pointy'er ears.
Oops. I deleted my previous post. Here is a quick recap of my travels heading to Thatcher Arizona.
I headed east out of Phoenix from my campsite at Lost Dutchman State Park. A cactus wren in her nest kept a close eye on me. I followed Hwy 60 through mountains and past monstrous open pit copper mines and refineries before turning southeast at Globe on Hwy 70. The road headed down the Gila River and thru the Apache Reservation. Along the road were carpets of california poppies and arroyo lupine. I stopped in Pima for a milkshake and encoutered an elementary school teacher who had a Totoro water flask. Needless to say Totoro and Asiago were estatic. I next visited Thatcher where Nancys great-great grandfather is buried with 4 of his wives. I stopped at the cemetery and the family history center to collect some history on him. Hans Nadrian Chlarson was fleeing Federal Police to avoid being arrested as a polygamist when we arrived in Thatcher and the people there assured him that it was so remote no one would bother him there. He bought property and built a sawmill on Mt. Graham, and lived there until he died in 1911. Finally I headed up 4000' to my campsite at Arcadia Campground on Mt. Graham. Mt. Graham Red Squirrels are endemic only to that isoloted island of a mountain. They are endangered. I saw a couple of red squirrels and have inquired with the Forest Service to find out if I saw the endemic type.
I am glad Totoro found a friend, haha! Beautiful poppies.