Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Lost Dutchman State Park and Superstition Wilderness

For the last 6 nights I have been based in Lost Dutchman State Park east of Phoenix.
I hiked in the adjacent Superstition Wilderness for 3 days.  Water Siphon trail heads up the gap between the mountains that I see from my camp.  Cutoff trail goes along the base of the cliffs.  Lost Dutchman/Black Mesa Loop trail is a 10 mile loop nearby.  Hiking observations: water in the desert!  The creeks on the loop trail were happily rushing along.  Also nice were the wildflowers.  I identifed 10 and saw one other that I did not ID.  But no cacti in bloom.  They seem to be delayed (damaged?) due to the late freeze that hit a couple of weeks ago.  Perhaps they are taking a year to build up energy after so many years of drought.  Here are some of the flowers (b=blue/purple, r=red, y=yellow, o=orange)in bloom right now: Desert and Caliche Globe Mallow(o), Arroyo Lupine(b), Wild Hyacinth(b), Blue Phacelia(b), Beloperone (Hummingbirdbush)(r), Brittlebush(y), and Desert Indian Paintbrush(r).
Winged neighbors are Canyon Wren, Cactus Wren, Doves (Mourning?), Anna's Hummingbirds, bats, and best of all...Beep Beep...a Roadrunner!
The days are warming up to the low 80's now.  As the sun sets the temperature drops to a very pleasant upper 50's.  I sleep with the windows open to have a cool breeze pulsing and caressing me.
Sunsets are a delight, see attached photos.  Sitting inside or out, morning or evening are a delight with the great scenery.  I love the quiet sound of the campground.  Children playing.  Adults talking around a campfire, clicking of bats, coyotes, and the wind in the brush and cacti.

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