Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Oak Creek, Sedona, Fossil Creek and Flagstaff

April 5-10, 2019
I woke up at Asaayi Lake to crystal clear skies and stars in aboundance.  It was 28 degrees.  My wash towels and pots were frozen to the picnic table.  Coyotes were calling not too far away.
Oatmeal and coffee for breakfast inside the Alaskan with the heater running on high.  I packed up and hit the road by 7:30 am.  The detour to Asaayi Lake made for a long day driving to Manzanita Campground on Oak Creek near Sedona.
The scenery in between was classic wide open high desert with mesas and volcanic plugs in the distance.  In the Navajo lands many people use hitchhiking to travel short distances.  I cleared the passenger seat and picked up 3 people along the way.  Two Navajo and one Hopi.  All grew up in the area.  Two had left and then came back.  None of the rides were more than 10 miles.  Two were heading to work.  One was going to help his grandfather to chop wood.  We talked about grazing permits, city noise and family connections.
I stopped at a historic trading post along the way, confirming that Toadlena Trading Post was the best place to find a Two Grey Hills rug.
On arriving in Sedona, I made the mistake to try to go into town to pick up some not so necessary supplies.  Traffic and crowds were astounding.  No parking in town suitable for a full size pickup like Black Bart.  I tried to find a way out of the mess and ended up going a mile down the highway before I could turn around.  Then there was a half mile traffic jamb trying to get back through Sedona and to my campsite.
The rustic campground was great.  Very small (about 25 sites), full and units close together, but the creek and scenery made up for those.  I had about 3 hours of creek time before making a stirfry dinner with beef, broccoli, garlic and hot pepper flakes.  The neighbors came by to inquire about what smelled so good.  Then their eyes watered from the pepper (Thanks to Rose for the super hot pepper flakes you gave me for Christmas two years ago.  A large pinch packs a wallop.)
There were twin almost three year olds in the site next to mine.  They had given their grandfather reservations for camping for Christmas.  They expressed concern that the kids might bother me.  I brought out Asiago and Totoro to show my attitude towards young kids.  We hit it off.  Asiago and Totoro gave them hugs before bed and the kids helped with Asiago's "adventure with the rock eating tree".
I did venture into Sedona early the next day to hike around some of the Red Rock cliffs and wait until evening to call Nancy since cell service was zero in the camp.
The next day was all creek time and boulder hopping has I read books and enjoyed Oak Creek from the camp.  The weather was perfect.  In the low 70's.
Two days ago I broke camp early and headed to Fossil Creek Recreation Area.  There is a spring gushing out 30,000 gallons a minute from the base of the Mongollon Rim.  The water is a constant 70 degrees and high in lime from passing through the aquifer.  This creates a crystal clear water and limestone coatings on the rocks in the creek as the lime precipitates out.  Perfect swimming holes for a 90 degree day.  I read, napped, swam and hiked around for a lazy day along the creek. Only 4 other people came down to my swimming hole the whole time I was there (11 am to 4 pm).
I also found and confirmed that 15 miles of washboard road will spontaneously open the camper doors and lower the steps.  I didn't lose anything, but the camper was a bit dusty inside.  Bungee cords did the trick.
I camped nearby Fossil Creek at Clear Creek Campground.  It was warm and the bugs were out.
Yesterday I came to Flagstaff to get internet service to watch Ruby's lecture recital, do laundry, take a hot shower, go shopping, wash the truck and scope out were to watch today's UEFA Cup match between Barcelona and Manchester United.  Last night I visited three brew pubs to find one that would have today's match.  After the match I head to my campsite at Grand Canyon for four nights, then five nights in Utah's Kodachrome State Park near Bryce Canyon.

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