Sunday, June 2, 2019

Grande Finale Part 5 - Asiago and the Weasel

While at the upper geyser basin in Yellowstone Asiago and Totoro were looking at maps to decide where to hike.  They looked out the window at the geysers.  Then they headed down the banister to the ground floor.  They went to the Snow Lodge to get better reception and found a map of the Observation Look Trail.

They headed out in the rain across the meadows.  First they spotted some bison poop.  Totoro was not impressed.  He said it smelled and asked for a clothes pin.  A little further up the trail we passed our first hot spring.  A beautiful bubbling blue.  Totoro thought that Asiago had just farted and asked for the clothes pin again.

As we continued a panicked chipmunk ran past yelling about the attack of the weasels.  "Arm yourselves.  Run and hide.  The weasels are on the attack."

Weasel image:

Totoro and Asiago first built a fort to fend off the attackers.  Then they armed themselves with forked sticks to defend themselves.  
After a long march in the woods stalking the weasels the rain picked up in earnest.  Being a Totoro, Totoro became more interested in the sound of the rain.  They spent the rest of the afternoon under my hat enjoying the quiet sound of rain in the woods.  Finally I wrested my hat back and we headed back to Old Faithful Inn to have bison burgers and hot chocolate.

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